// As a school project, Streamline is a mobile app concept that aims to bring awareness to meaningful news and encourage productive reading habits. By simplifying the process of evaluating a news article for “meaningfulness” and providing tools for making reading quick and easy, Streamline helps its users devote their time and attention to the articles that matter most.

Feel good about your habits
// By gamifying the process, the reader is encouraged to dedicate their time to meaningful content instead of purely sensationalist or false articles. The articles you read on Streamline determine your personal score, a number that tells you how well you are doing at choosing meaningful reads.

User-inspired features
// User testing and interviews have helped iron out the details to make Streamline an effective solution for meaningful reading. Streamline features many user-oriented and quality-of-life features such as article highlights, at-a-glance overviews, and topics of interest.

See it yourself
// Watch the video below to see Streamline in action!